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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Social and emotional learning: Policy and practice

In this webinar from the ASCD archives, you'll discover how state-level policies have been developed to help schools address social and emotional learning in the classroom, how states and districts are measuring student progress with social and emotional learning competencies, and the opportunities and challenges that states and districts face in supporting students' social and…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Scaling up classroom coaching for impactful technology use

Two years ago, we set out to better understand how technology coaching could move us closer to bridging the digital use divide in the classroom. The Dynamic Learning Project is a classroom-based coaching program in which participating teachers are coached to use technology to support student engagement and promote the development of agency, as well as skills…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How to support competency-based learning

Competency-based education has seen its fair share of champions over the past decade, offering the promise of a new architecture of learning. As the competency bandwagon continues to get more crowded, however, there is a critical — and too often ignored — through line between competencies and connections.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How school leaders can promote district diversity, integration

Four strategies can help school leaders promote diversity and integration in their districts, write Patrick Finley and Damon McCord, co-principals of the Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School in Queens, N.Y. In this commentary, they outline the tactics, including reaching out to stakeholders and building a school around the whole child.

Study links strict middle schools, poor outcomes

Researchers say there's a correlation between strict middle schools that suspend students more often and adverse outcomes for students that attend such schools, such as getting arrested or not finishing college. The study does not establish causation, but researchers say it seems to point to a "school to prison pipeline," with nonwhite and male students…