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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Internationellt"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Why deeply diving into content could be the key to reading comprehension

Deep knowledge and a command of vocabulary about a topic can help support reading comprehension, says education journalist Natalie Wexler, citing research on the cognitive science of reading. Wexler says her research shows that the knowledge gap that exists among students could be driving gaps in reading-comprehension skills and achievement gaps overall.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Are we rushing education change? The case for slowing things down

Moving slowly when implementing changes can help education leaders boost the success of new initiatives, writes Miriam Plotinsky, a learning and achievement specialist with Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland. In this commentary, she offers guidance on how to methodically implement changes in the classroom, school and professional development.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Survey: More teacher training needed for edtech tools

Thirty-nine percent of teachers need greater training to effectively use education technology, but administrators assert that tight budgets and competing priorities are preventing them from making such investments, according to a survey from Promethean. The survey also found that teachers want to use more technology in the classroom and expect the use of cloud-based lesson…