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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Preschool at Missouri State helps deaf, hard of hearing students gain literacy skills

Missouri State University's Preschool for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing draws families from many miles away in part because it focuses intensely on early literacy for children with hearing impairments. Teachers use kinetic learning and visual aids to help students ages 3 to 5 adapt to the classroom environment, use assistive devices, and develop…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Strategies to help curb bullying

School assemblies, poster campaigns and lectures are largely ineffective at curbing bullying among students, writes clinical psychologist Jeff Nalin. In this blog post, Nalin suggests seven strategies to help educators and parents address bullying behavior, including teaching coping skills and rewarding prosocial behavior.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

"Who's to Blame for the Black-White Achievement Gap?"

In this commentary, education reporter Christina Samuels reflects on her own experience with testing and considers the origins of the racial achievement gap. That line of inquiry led her to talk to Ronald Ferguson, an economist and director of Harvard's Achievement Gap Initiative, who is focused on early brain development as a potential solution to…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How traveling helps students learn

Students can continue their learning while traveling for vacation, according to Florence Monique Boulard, associate dean at James Cook University. In this commentary, she writes that traveling can help expose students to other cultures and new experiences and suggests several ways to make sure the trips are educational.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Six tips for improving behaviour in school

There are six strategies that can help educators support better behavior among students, according to a report from the Education Endowment Foundation. Among them are to know and understand students -- and their influences -- and adopt classroom management practices that support good behavior.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Why more kids are learning — and enjoying — yoga

Students who practice yoga can experience benefits including improved flexibility and balance, plus reduced anxiety and better academic performance, writes Brianna Randall. Randall references an MIT study that found that sixth-grade students who participated in an eight-week mindfulness program demonstrated less stress and fewer negative emotions at its conclusion.