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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Internationellt"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Involving families: A relationship-centered approach

Focusing on fostering relationships with families leads to trust, parent empowerment, and collaboration - as this district found when it changed its approach to making family connections. Ari Gerzon-Kessler, director of equity and partnerships for Boulder Valley School District in Colorado, shares the four pillars for intercultural understanding that guided his district's work in this…

This wristband subtly alerts teachers when a student with Autism is feeling overwhelmed

Some people who have Autism can become overwhelmed by their surroundings from time to time. This includes schoolchildren in classroom environments, too. Now, Hugh Murtagh from Coláiste Mhuire in Co Westmeath has designed wristband that will help students with Autism alert their teachers in a subtle manner when they feel they need a break from…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

The Language of Lunch

As a teacher, I like to bring in foods that are unknown to my students. But until recently, I did not fully grasp the inequities around food and food education in our nation. How might these inequities be different if more students were exposed to nutrient-dense foods and educated on the benefits of these foods?