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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Study: Principals factor into absenteeism rates

A school's principal can play a large role in helping to curb high rates of chronic absenteeism among students, according to a study of Tennessee principals by Brendan Bartanen, an assistant professor at Texas A&M University. Data shows the "principal effect" can reduce absenteeism rates by 4 percentage points on average -- and 6 percentage…

New research project looks at the causes and impacts of principal turnover, and solutions

Principals are a key in-school factor associated with student achievement. When principals leave, it can disrupt school progress, increase teacher turnover, and stall student achievement. A new study reviews existing research to identify why school leadership matters and the impacts of principal mobility on student achievement.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How principals manage pressure

Principals have a lot on their plates. According to recent research, the job's challenges have led to an 18% average turnover rate in public schools. Yet, many leaders have found workable solutions to juggle the responsibilities. Principals on Twitter shared their tips and tricks for staying cool under - well, you know the rest.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Is teacher training getting it wrong on reading?

Research shows the benefits of phonics lessons in early-literacy instruction, but data shows that teacher training programs may be offering mixed messages about best practices. An Education Week survey of about 530 early-reading professors finds that 22% focused on explicit, systemic phonics, while 57% teach a more balanced literacy philosophy.