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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

School tip lines tackle teen suicides

School districts across the country have launched tip lines to allow students to anonymously report information about potential school attacks via phone, websites and apps, but some districts are receiving more tips about possible teen suicides. In Oregon, a state police-run school safety tip line has received 540 reports of a student who is suicidal…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Teachers’ understandings of emerging conflicts

Scholars in the field of conflict resolution in schools theoretically argued that minor distractions and disturbances are conflicts. In the present study, we refer to them as emerging conflicts. The study has been carried out within the phenomenographic research tradition and used semi-structured interviews. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

A bibliometric review of approaches to address conflicts in schools: Exploring the intellectual base

The aims of the study were to map and identify the foundation of relevant knowledge production in the field of approaches to address conflicts in schools and provide an empirical overview of its interdisciplinary roots, influential authors, intellectual boundaries, complexity, core theories, key methodologies, and disputed aspects. (pdf)

Ny forskning: Lærere skal have opbakning fra ledelsen til at forebygge trusler og vold fra eleverne

Det kræver tydelig ledelse, hvis en arbejdsplads skal nedbringe volds- og trusselsniveauet, viser ny forskning, som også inddrager specialskoler. Ledelsen skal sørge for, at medarbejderne både har en fælles forståelse af problemet, og af hvordan de skal håndtere det.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

BHS algebra teachers working to combat math anxiety, improve math literacy

Three ninth-grade algebra teachers in Minnesota are working together to help students overcome math anxiety and improve their skills and performance to meet state education standards. The teachers share lessons, homework assignments and resources, and take turns making daily videos reviewing the concept taught that day, so students can watch as many times as they…