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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Hälsa"

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How does testing young children influence educational attainment and well-being?

Colin P. Green, Ole Henning Nyhus and Kari Vea Salvanes examine two forms of testing, complex but low-stakes mathematics tests and relatively easy screening tests aimed at identifying children in need of educational assistance. In general, we demonstrate zero effects of testing exposure on later test score performance but benefits for screening tests on low-performing students. While we demonstrate no negative effects on student welfare, we do find an indication that testing improves aspects of teaching practices and students’ perceptions of teacher feedback and engagement.

Physical activity knowledge and confidence of education staff in a special education setting

Children with intellectual disabilities (ID) are less likely to meet physical activity (PA) guidelines and have higher tendencies towards sedentary behaviors. Considering a large proportion of a child's day is spent at school, this setting provides a promising environment for increasing PA levels. Staff often significantly impact the success of PA within schools.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

3 ud af 4 danske børn bevæger sig for lidt

Flertallet af børn i alderen 7 til 15 år er fysisk aktive via organiseret idræt - oftest i en idrætsforening. Det slår dog ikke helt til, hvis vi skal følge Sundhedsstyrelsens anbefalinger om 60 minutters daglig bevægelse.