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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Främlingsfientlighet"

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Dismantling dehumanizing educator talk about children and families: the moral imperative for early childhood teacher educators

This reflection on practice explores dehumanizing educator talk as an explicit topic within multicultural/diversity/anti-bias and anti-racist teacher education. Dehumanizing educator talk is defined as formal or informal conversation during which targeted individuals or groups are openly demeaned with offensive generalizations in the absence of discernable educational goals leading to improved outcomes.

Svåra frågor i klassrummet

Frågor som rasism, konspirationsteorier och intolerans kan kännas svåra att hantera i undervisningen. Men det finns strategier och verktyg som lärare kan använda. Läs mer i artikeln ur nya numret av Skolportens magasin!

Youth as pattern makers for racial justice: How speculative design pedagogy in science can promote restorative futures through radical care practices

Our analyses show how youth use their felt, cultural, and community knowledges, as well as their developing scientific knowledge of physics, to confront and analyze manifestations of racial bias in technologies. The findings highlight the significance of teachers’ pedagogical support and providing opportunities for meaningful transdisciplinary science investigations and speculative designing for more just and thriving futures.

Schools are seeing more hate and bias incidents. But educators are not helpless to address them.

A proactive approach that includes partnerships with educators can help students process increased incidences of hate and bias in schools, writes Derek Francis, manager of counseling services in Minneapolis Public Schools. In this commentary, Francis shares that the district uses a plan that offers proactive and reactive resources as well as tools to help school…