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Forskning och utveckling kategorier
FoU tidskrift källor

Didaktik modelling illustrated by sustainability teaching arrangements in preschool

This paper presents the research behind the formulation of a new didaktik model on waste and material resources in preschool. The research was part of an extensive collaborative R&D programme, involving close to 300 preschool teachers/managers and researchers, to build systematic knowledge on what may characterize teaching in preschool based on scientific grounds and proven experience.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Post-structurally and didaktically informed teaching arrangements in preschool – exemplified by “rhythmatechs” as multivocal teaching

The article is guided by the question What can characterise the “what”, “how”, and “why” questions of teaching from the standpoint of a post-structurally and didaktically informed teaching arrangement in the preschool? The substudy is based on material consisting of 251 documents, including co-plans, videos (5.5 hours) and photo documentation, as well as co-assessment.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Didaktik informed teaching arrangements in preschool exemplified by multivocal music teaching using digital technology as a tool

The purpose of the article is to develop knowledge of what can characterize music teaching using digital technology as a tool in the preschool from a didaktik perspective. In a research and development programme involving 19 preschools/departments, preschool teachers co-planned, conducted, and co-evaluated music teaching.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
FoU tidskrift källor

Multivocal didaktik modelling in a collaborative conceptual replication study

This themed issue presents the results of a collaborative conceptual replication study based on a research and development (R&D) programme entitled “Multivocal teaching in preschools”. The issue is practically and theoretically positioned in a Continental–Nordic didaktik tradition, specifically a critical-reflective one.

Legeværksteder i overgangen fra børnehave til skole

Succeskriteriet for en vellykket skolestart er, at alle børn oplever trivsel i skolen og finder motivation for at deltage engageret i skolens aktiviteter. Med afsæt i et empirisk studie af 95 kommende skolebørns og 12 dagtilbudspædagogers deltagelse i fem legeværksteder på den lokale skole viser artiklen, hvordan børn i deres møde med skolens forventninger handler, udveksler og tager del i de rammesatte konstruktionslege – og derigennem aktivt skaber relationer og trivsel.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Så giftsäkras hemmet för barnen – rensa bland leksaker

En studie från Göteborgs universitet visar att äldre plastleksaker ofta innehåller högre halter av hälsofarliga ämnen än nya. "Man talar mycket om återvinning som en lösning på vårt avfallsproblem, men återvinning kan inte göras på ett säkert sätt om det finns så mycket kemikalier i produkterna som vi har nu, "säger Bethanie Carney Almroth, professor…