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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Digitalisering"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Google apps are used widely in K-12. A new tool will show just how useful they are.

Google has unveiled "transformation reports" to give educators data on how often various Google offerings are actually used and for which specific tasks. This is important because a study last year by BrightBytes found the majority of software licenses purchased by schools went unused and another study by LearnTrials revealed just 9% of education-technology tools…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Så förändrar IoT skolan

Forskaren Jan Hylén ser över möjligheterna med Internet of Things (IoT) i skolan, ett tidigare outforskat område. Hans arbetsgrupp tittar bland annat på hur man kan mäta och följa elevers lärande för att ge mer individuell hjälp och minska betydelsen av enstaka prov.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Scaling up classroom coaching for impactful technology use

Two years ago, we set out to better understand how technology coaching could move us closer to bridging the digital use divide in the classroom. The Dynamic Learning Project is a classroom-based coaching program in which participating teachers are coached to use technology to support student engagement and promote the development of agency, as well as skills…