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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Digitalisering"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Reconceptualising Time to Understand How to Lead Digitalisation in Education

This study investigates how preschool principals learn how to understand and lead the digitalisation process in their preschool organisations collaboratively within an action research initiative. It specifically investigates how perspectives on time affect their understanding of leading digitalisation by exploring time as a discursive arrangement in a principal’s professional learning.

Many truths, many knowledges, many forms of reason: Understanding middle-school student approaches to sources of information on the internet

Sourcing information related to socio-scientific issues requires sophisticated literacies to read and evaluate conflicting accounts often signified by disagreement among experts, multiple solutions or misinformation. Much of the previous work exploring how young people approach conflicting information has tended to focus on students in the secondary and tertiary years, often taking an epistemic approach to…

Swedish Edtest i ny datadriven kostym med ökad interaktivitet och AI

Nu är den nya versionen av Swedish Edtest, en nationell arena för att värdera och välja digitala lärresurser, här. Det innebär ökade möjligheter att ha koll på att digitala läromedel väljs på vetenskaplig grund, utifrån pedagogiskt värde och lärarnas syfte med undervisningen, skriver forskningsinstitutet Ifous.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

‘We have- we had a digital debt’: a case of digitalized school leadership practice

The article adopts a critical approach regarding the political ambition of educational technologies (edtech) in schools. The focus of the article is to understand how school digitalization policy works on people in schools through meaning-making objects for thinking and acting towards digitalization in schools.