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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Digitalisering"

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App-based mathematical intervention for youth with intellectual disabilities: a randomised controlled trial

The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether students with intellectual disabilities can improve their arithmetic skills by participating in an arithmetic intervention programme, theoretically founded on explicit instruction and administered via an application developed for tablet computers.

Using iPads for the social communication and emotional regulation of autistic pupils: an exploration of key stakeholders' perspectives and practices

Little research has focused on the implementation of iPad practices in real contexts and the identification of relevant challenges and enablers. This work explored practices relating to using iPads for autistic pupils' social communication (SC) and emotional regulation (ER) based on key stakeholders' perspectives.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Ikke skrivekyndig? Multimodal tekstproduksjon på smarttelefon som en ressurs i voksne innvandreres læring

This article explores six adult immigrant students’ multimodal text production in everyday and learning situations. The students are between 25 and 55 years and attend adult education in Norway, they have little or no previous schooling and little experience with alphabetic texts.