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Elevers röster lyfts fram i bok om hot och våld i skolan

Hot, våld och trakasserier i skolan uppmärksammas allt oftare och väcker debatt. Mer sällan kommer dock eleverna själva till tals. I en nyutkommen bok skriven av forskare vid Göteborgs universitet vittnar eleverna om hur våld och kränkningar finns i deras vardag. De uttrycker även vad de anser krävs för att skapa en trygg och säker…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Are active shooter drills harmful to students?

Active shooter drills at schools could harm the psychological development of young students, asserts Melissa Reeves, a professor at Winthrop University and former president of the National Association of School Psychologists. In this interview, she describes how the drills can potentially trigger students who have experienced trauma and suggests schools practice lockdown procedures instead.

Protecting America’s schools - A U.S. Secret Service analysis of targeted school violence

This report builds on 20 years of NTAC research and guidance in the field of threat assessment by offering an in-depth analysis of the motives, behaviors, and situational factors of the attackers, as well as the tactics, resolutions, and other operationally-relevant details of the attacks. (pdf)