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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Six tips for improving behaviour in school

There are six strategies that can help educators support better behavior among students, according to a report from the Education Endowment Foundation. Among them are to know and understand students -- and their influences -- and adopt classroom management practices that support good behavior.

Deras forskning föreslår hur framtidens skolor ska byggas

Bullriga skolmatsalar, glaspartier som stör koncentrationen under lektionen och för små skolgårdar. Dagens skolmiljöer kräver ofta en del förbättringar. Didaktikforskarna Anneli Frelin och Jan Grannäs på Högskolan i Gävle har deltagit i det fristående forskningsinstitutet Ifous projekt "Bygga skola" med syfte att utforska hur dagens skolor fungerar i praktiken.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Overhauling the classroom

A Michigan school district is changing teaching and learning for the better by redesigning classrooms, says Steve Laatsch, assistant superintendent of instructional services for Saline Area Schools. In this interview, he shares how the spaces and technology - including Chromebooks and materials from Discovery Education - support deeper learning.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

5 ways to combat classroom isolation

After recognizing that he and his students lacked global awareness, third-grade teacher Michael Dunlea says he found ways to engage students in the world around them and curb classroom isolation. In this blog post, he shares five strategies he adopted, including using online platforms to connect with scientists and engaging with virtual classroom partners and…

Lågaffektivt bemötande eller bestraffningar?

Man skapar inte en fungerande arbetsmiljö i skolan genom bestraffning, skriver lärarstudenten Ronja Koman, som har egna erfarenheter av att skolpersonal använde cayennepeppar och tabasco på tungan, som bestraffning mot svordomar. Istället krävs att lärare och elever bemöter varandra på ett respektfullt sätt.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Are active shooter drills harmful to students?

Active shooter drills at schools could harm the psychological development of young students, asserts Melissa Reeves, a professor at Winthrop University and former president of the National Association of School Psychologists. In this interview, she describes how the drills can potentially trigger students who have experienced trauma and suggests schools practice lockdown procedures instead.