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Evaluation – the (not so) softly- softly approach to governance and its consequences for compulsory education in the Nordic countries

Moa Duvarci Engman
Skribent:Moa Duvarci Engman

Public sector reform involving decentralisation and marketisation has led to “soft” indirect forms of governance aimed at steering more fragmented systems. Although based on information and guidance rather than hierarchy and legislation, these new methods of regulating through evalua- tion and quality control may be as powerful as more direct control methods. Frequently embodying practices building on values concerning consumer choice and competition, they may challenge values of equality and social justice associated with the Nordic model of education. Drawing on a qualitative analysis using documentary data concerning evaluation structures and techniques, the development of an evaluative culture and consequences for compulsory education in the Nordic countries are examined. Although soft governance techniques of evaluation and control have im- pacted on compulsory education in all five countries, there are differences concerning the extent to which the Nordic model’s values have been challenged. Further, there are signs of resistance and reluctance to abandon the model’s basic tenets.

Författare: Christine Hudson

Evaluation – the (not so) softly- softly approach to governance and its consequences for compulsory education in the Nordic countries

Education Inquiry, Vol 2, No 4 2010

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