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Ett manifest för pedagogik

Ebba Reinolf
Skribent:Ebba Reinolf

A manifesto for education. This manifesto aims at speaking for education in a way that is neither populist nor idealist. It aims at speaking out of a concern for what makes education educational, and is interested in the question of how much education still is possible in our educational institutions. After the text of the manifesto itself we include two commentaries in which we try to highlight some of the reasons that have led to the writing of the manifesto, and in which we also try to situate the manifesto in a number of discussions and debates.

Författare: Gert Biesta och Carl Anders Säfström

Ett manifest för pedagogik

Utbildning & Demokrati Vol 20, No3 2012

Forskningsbevakningen presenteras i samarbete med

forskningsinstitutet Ifous

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