Ethics and exploration in literary conversations at the intermediate level. Asking questions when reading a story about moral dilemmas
This article discusses two literary conversations about the novel The Obedience Test. An Imaginative story about a child [Lydighetsprøven: En tenkt fortelling om et barn] (Ingvaldsen, 2017). The literary conversations are conducted at the intermediate level (grade 6), in small, student-led groups. The goal of the article is to gain a better understanding of students’ literary proficiency, as it is expressed in conversations about a novel with ethical issues and moral dilemmas, and where the teacher’s instruction emphasizes questioning. Transaction theory and dialogically oriented conversational theory form the basis for the analytical categories. The discussion leads to findings that invite further exploration of the interplay between students’ various literary proficiencies, including how these are influenced by both varying methodological skills and of variations in literary reading skills.
Författare: Åsmund Hennig
Forskning om undervisning och lärande, vol 10, nr 1, s. 100-118

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