Educational blogs in teacher education
This paper presents a study of three campus courses of Swedish student teachers’ experiences during 2007 and 2008 when they used educational blogs blending face-to-face and virtual learning activities. In order to investigate their experiences and the circumstances that influenced their way of engaging in their blogs, 38 narrative interviews were carried out.
To illuminate how information and communication technology (ICT) affordances and the blended environments were perceived, the data were analysed in light of Greeno’s theory of affordance. Furthermore, a socio-cultural theory by Vygotsky was used to analyse students’ social interaction within their groups.
The paper presents a discussion of the circumstances in which students engage in their blogs. The students’ experiences of affordances in respect of blending face-to-face and virtual learning activities and the importance of social interaction within the groups are outlined.
Författare: Carina Granberg
Educational blogs in teacher education – Blending face-to-face and virtual learning activities

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