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Didaktik attention. Preschool teaching from a didaktik and variation theory perspective using examples of mathematical aspects of programming

Publicerad: 2022-09-28
Uppdaterad: 2023-09-03
Susanne Sawander
Skribent: Susanne Sawander

This article is based on a partial study of an R&D programme with various theory-informed teaching arrangements aimed at describing and further developing knowledge of what characterizes preschool teaching. The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge about how teachers and children can create attention in relation to an example when teaching focuses on mathematical aspects and programming from a didaktik and variation theory perspective. The guiding question is: What can characterize attention-forming acts of teaching in preschool? The analysed material in this article consists of an example with just over ten minutes of audio-visual data – videos of teaching. An abductive analysis has been carried out. Preschool teachers’ interactions with children while teaching is studied and analysed based on didaktik questions and with a didaktik triangle as the didaktik model and based on three dimensions representations of attention: sharing, creating and alternating attention and attention-forming acts. Concepts of variation theory is connec­ted to the didaktik questions and didaktik triangle. Overall, the representations of sharing, creating and alternating attention and attention-forming acts of teaching can be summarized in the concept of didaktik attention.

Författare: Catrin Stensson

Educare No 5, 2022

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