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Den mätbara litteraturläsaren – En tendens i Lgr11 och en konsekvens för svensklärarutbildningen

Moa Duvarci Engman
Skribent:Moa Duvarci Engman

The measurable fiction reader. A tendency in Lgr11 and a consequence for teacher education. Based on the new syllabus for Swedish in the primary school, this article discusses measurable knowledge and scientific foundations in relation to reading and teaching literature. In addition, some possible consequences for teacher education regarding the school subject of Swedish following these changes are discussed. The results show that the explicit scientific base of the school subject Swedish, that is Comparative Literature and the Swedish Language, is insufficient as a foundation for the subject. Furthermore, Swedish as a school subject has been distanced from the established scientific basis of Comparative Literature. Our analysis also shows that the explicitly expressed intention of clarity behind the syllabus results in lists of content that are characterised by measurability, while the democratic values promoted in the curriculum are not even mentioned in the educational purpose of the subject. Finally, the article problematizes the scientific foundations of the teacher programme in Swedish.

Författare: Stefan Lundström, Lena Manderstedt och Annbritt Palo

Den mätbara litteraturläsaren – En tendens i Lgr11 och en konsekvens för svensklärarutbildningen

Utbildning & Demokrati, Vol 20, No 2 2011

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