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Att nollställa bakgrunder för en effektiv skola

Ebba Reinolf
Skribent:Ebba Reinolf

”Resetting backgrounds”for the purpose of an effective school. The present article is based on research in a multi-cultural school. It deals with a particular kind of pedagogy, Monroe pedagogy, aiming at overcoming the disadvantages of multi-culturalism. The main focus of the text is on how this kind of pedagogy is made use of in school. Monroe pedagogy lays stress on individual qualities, strong classification and framing of educational knowledge and hard work for school success. These factors are emphasised at the expense of sociological variables such as socio-economic background, gender and ethnicity, which are supposed to stay outside the school walls. However, the research presented in this text shows that Monroe pedagogy is unable to attain its formal aims. The pupils do not reach higher levels of performance. The research has made use of a critical ethnography approach informed theoretically by the work of Basil Bernstein.

Författare: Anneli Schwartz

Att ”nollställa bakgrunder” för en effektiv skola

Utbildning & Demokrati nr 1/2010


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