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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Vetenskaplig tidskrift"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Brokering knowledge from laboratory experiments in evidence-based education: The case of interleaving

29 oktober
The paper focusses on how experimental research knowledge is brokered for practice. It highlights substantial problems with the way knowledge brokers transport phenomena from field experiments. Then, using the case of ‘interleaving’ in category learning research, it explores how knowledge brokers transport phenomena from cognitive science to the classroom.

Intergenerational transmission and the reinforcement of the political engagement gap: Identifying how university-educated parents enable their children to become more politically interested during early adolescence

29 oktober
The paper addresses the process of the social reproduction of inequalities in political power in the United Kingdom by identifying how highly educated parents develop the political interest of their children and in turn create access for certain groups within the next generation to the world of politics.

Re-imagining a decolonised, anti-racist curriculum within initial teacher education in a Welsh university

29 oktober
This paper addresses how a process of decolonising an initial teacher education (ITE) curriculum, and decolonising our minds, can help academics and teacher educators to think differently about engaging with anti-racist practice and professional learning within their own institutions.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Acculturation Orientations Among Immigrant-Origin Youth: How is Acculturation Associated with Self-Esteem, Sense of Belonging, and Discrimination?

29 oktober
The aims of this research article are twofold. First, in Study 1, we confirm the structure of the novel Compact Acculturation Scale, assess its convergent validity, and by a variable-oriented approach analyze the association of acculturation orientations with self-esteem and how experienced discrimination affects this relation. Second, in Study II, we apply a person-oriented strategy…

Det matematiska samtalets utmaningar – andraspråkselever samtalar för att lösa matematiska problem i en bedömningssituation

28 oktober
Studiens övergripande syfte var att undersöka på vilket sätt elever i årskurs 9, med svenska som andraspråk, samtalar kring och löser matematiska problem under en bedömningssituation som efterliknar en verklig muntlig nationell provsituation. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Lärares möjligheter att främja elevers teoretiska arbete med geometriska begrepp – lärandeverksamhet om cirkel

28 oktober
I följande artikel diskuteras vad som karaktäriserar lärares handlingar som främjar elevers engagemang, i en lärandeverksamhet där de tillsammans med sina klasskamrater utforskar de geometriska begrepp som relaterar till begreppet cirkel. (pdf)