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Forskning och utveckling kategorier
FoU tidskrift källor

A double pressure to perform? Pupils talk about grades and parents in a multicultural school setting in Sweden

The aim is to contribute knowledge about the ways in which Swedish pupils with a migrant background speak about school performances and their first experiences of being graded. The results describe pupils and parents as positioned as being lower down in a top-down relationship vis-à-vis school.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Computers in education: the association between computer use and test scores in primary school

This paper analyses the associations between computer use in schools and at home and test scores by using TIMSS data covering over 900,000 children in fourth grade. When controlling for school fixed effects, pupils who use computers at school, especially those who use them frequently are found to achieve less than students who never use computers.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
FoU tidskrift källor

Arbetsmarknad, utbildningsval och möjligheter på landsbygden

Two tendencies in research and policy on youth and education are firstly a general focus on urban contexts and their differences, and secondly a presentation of the non-urban as uniform. Based on a research project on rural young people and their education, we draw attention to these tendencies as problematic, before then discussing some similarities and differences between young people’s lives and education in different rural contexts.

The coming of ‘age’: Educational and bureaucratic dimensions of the classification of children in elementary schools

Age-classes are a salient feature of modern schooling. Yet how did age-grouping come to prevail in entire school systems? And how was this form of grouping related to educational and pedagogic discussions at the time of its emergence? The article addresses these issues by looking at the historical context within which age classes came to a dominant position: the European nineteenth century.

”Jag vet att man inte kan förändra världen, men man kan ha ambitioner” – sociala hållbarhetsperspektiv på ett musik- och poesiprojekt

Katharina Dahlbäck och Catarina Schmidt har undersökt möjligheter och hinder för konstnärliga samverkansprojekt i skolan samt relationen mellan rumslig, social och didaktisk inkludering och betydelsen av dessa ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv.

Svenskundervisning i språkligt heterogena klasser – lärares uppfattningar om språk och social hållbarhet

Att anpassa undervisningen och samtidigt inkludera alla i klassrumsarbetet, innebär en utmaning för lärarna och ställer frågan på sin spets om hur arbete med social hållbarhet kan främjas.