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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Vetenskaplig tidskrift"

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Challenges and Possibilities of Educational Equity and Equality in the Post-COVID-19 Realm in the Nordic Countries

The aim of the article is to offer a base for discussions on educational equality from the viewpoint of changes in the world causing widening disparities between pupils and students. The essence and possibilities of educational equity and equality in the Nordic educational realm are discussed from six viewpoints.

The policy idea of ‘the teacher assistant’: Construction and legitimation through a discursive institutionalist lens

The aim of this article is to critically examine the construction and legitimation of the policy idea of ‘the teacher assistant’, in relation to teachers and the educational institution, through the lens of discursive institutionalism and strands in Curriculum Theory.

Legeværksteder i overgangen fra børnehave til skole

Succeskriteriet for en vellykket skolestart er, at alle børn oplever trivsel i skolen og finder motivation for at deltage engageret i skolens aktiviteter. Med afsæt i et empirisk studie af 95 kommende skolebørns og 12 dagtilbudspædagogers deltagelse i fem legeværksteder på den lokale skole viser artiklen, hvordan børn i deres møde med skolens forventninger handler, udveksler og tager del i de rammesatte konstruktionslege – og derigennem aktivt skaber relationer og trivsel.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

At udforske leg i skolen i et økologisk perspektiv

Med afsæt i et design-based research projekt og længerevarende observationer af børns leg i skolen udvikler denne artikel begrebet om legeorden og et økologisk forståelsesperspektiv, der ser samspil, sammenhæng og helhedsorientering som centrale værdier for blikket på leg i skolen. Gennem konkrete empiriske nedslag viser artiklen, hvordan leg i skolen etableres og vedligeholdes, og hvordan skolens samspil er med leg.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

The relation between teaching physical education and discourses on body weight – an integrative review of research

Forskningsöversikten omfattar internationella studier som berör relationen mellan undervisning i idrott och hälsa (physical education) och olika idéer om kroppsvikt. Resultaten visar att när beskrivningar av olika syften, undervisningsinnehåll och undervisningsmetoder granskades så utgick undervisningen från tre distinkt skida diskurser: 1. En riskdiskurs, 2. En kritisk överviktsdiskurs, och/eller 3. En pluralistisk diskurs.

An exploration into the implications of the Covid-19 restrictions on the transition from Early Years Education to Key Stage 1 for children with special educational needs and disability – a comparative study

This small-scale comparative study explores how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted on the transition from Early Years Education to Key Stage 1 (KS1) for children with special educational needs and disability (SEND) in a SEND specialist school in the UK.

Which child to which school? How local politicians shape catchment areas, school choice and diversity

Growing global debates surrounding parental school choice underscore the relevance of school place allocation. While there is much research on school choice, the enactment of such allocation policy is rarely analysed. Responding to this research gap, this article investigates how local politicians in Berlin put public primary school place allocation into practice.