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Att närma sig Mellanöstern genom fiktionsläsning – gymnasieelever läser Yasmina Khadras Sirenerna i Bagdad

I syfte att öka kunskaperna om hur litterära texter kan användas för att nå läroplansmål relaterade till globalt medborgarskap och interkulturell förståelse gjordes en läsarundersökning kring nittiotvå gymnasieelevers läsning av Yasmina Khadras roman Sirenerna i Bagdad.

Play, adventure and creativity: unearthing the excitement and fun of learning

The current issue presents 16 papers that explore play, fun, adventure, excitement and creativity in early childhood education in all its forms. The issue takes a broad exploration of the multitude of ways that intrinsic motivation is embedded in children’s learning and the ways in which educators can start with the embodied and emotional relationship with learning as described at the beginning of this Editorial.

Visualisation to support children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder learning to solve mathematical word problems: A randomised controlled trial

This randomised controlled trial experimental study compared the effectiveness of using two different types of visualisation – self-constructed visualisation (SCV) and passively received visualisation (PRV) – to help children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) solve mathematical word problems.

Can school closures decrease ethnic school segregation? Evidence from primary and lower secondary schools in Stockholm, Sweden

Using simulation models calibrated with administrative data for all primary and lower secondary schools in Stockholm, Sweden, Selcan Mutgan and Eduardo Tapia assess the potential impact of school closure on ethnic school segregation.