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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Utveckling"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Distributed leadership in action: Different manifestations and what they require from school leaders

21 mars
Distributed leadership is currently the most studied leadership model in education. This study posits that there is not a single best model or blueprint for distributed leadership, but that schools should foster manifestations of distributed leadership to support professional development and school improvement.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

”Lagarbete och kollegialt lärande viktigt för skolutveckling” 

Hur kan lärare med stöd av forskning utveckla sin yrkesskicklighet? Ett svar på det kan vara ett systematiskt och utvecklat kollegialt lärande, menar forskarna Daniel Sundberg och Jan Håkansson. Tillsammans med skoldebattören Per Kornhall diskuterade de detta på ett seminarium på bokmässan i Göteborg.

3 benefits of implementing grit in the math classroom

A variety of reasons can turn someone off of math, but three grit-building characteristics can turn that caution into confidence, writes India White, an author and former math teacher and assistant principal. White explains how to encourage students to help develop resilience, remind them that everyone learns when given enough time, and share positive stories…
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