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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Utveckling"

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3 benefits of implementing grit in the math classroom

4 juni
A variety of reasons can turn someone off of math, but three grit-building characteristics can turn that caution into confidence, writes India White, an author and former math teacher and assistant principal. White explains how to encourage students to help develop resilience, remind them that everyone learns when given enough time, and share positive stories…
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Lessons for Ed-Tech companies in LAUSD’s far-reaching AI experiment

23 april
The Los Angeles Unified School District in California adopted "Ed," an AI-powered learning tool developed through a partnership with AllHere, providing students 24/7 access to vital information and resources. The collaboration has set a precedent for AI integration in education that integrates user-centric design and fosters meaningful engagement to address evolving.
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FoU utvecklingskällor

Mjuk övergång kräver systematik och struktur

Det brister ofta vid övergångar från låg- till mellanstadiet. I regel beror det på att det saknas systematik kring överlämning av elevinformation mellan stadierna, visar Sara Eklund och Monica Rundqvist i sin utvecklingsartikel. Artikeln har skrivits inom ramen för Ifous FoU-program Datadriven skolutveckling.