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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Undervisning"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier
FoU tidskrift källor

Didaktik modelling illustrated by sustainability teaching arrangements in preschool

This paper presents the research behind the formulation of a new didaktik model on waste and material resources in preschool. The research was part of an extensive collaborative R&D programme, involving close to 300 preschool teachers/managers and researchers, to build systematic knowledge on what may characterize teaching in preschool based on scientific grounds and proven experience.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Post-structurally and didaktically informed teaching arrangements in preschool – exemplified by “rhythmatechs” as multivocal teaching

The article is guided by the question What can characterise the “what”, “how”, and “why” questions of teaching from the standpoint of a post-structurally and didaktically informed teaching arrangement in the preschool? The substudy is based on material consisting of 251 documents, including co-plans, videos (5.5 hours) and photo documentation, as well as co-assessment.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
FoU tidskrift källor

Multivocal didaktik modelling in a collaborative conceptual replication study

This themed issue presents the results of a collaborative conceptual replication study based on a research and development (R&D) programme entitled “Multivocal teaching in preschools”. The issue is practically and theoretically positioned in a Continental–Nordic didaktik tradition, specifically a critical-reflective one.

Att lära genom att skriva

I den här rapporten sammanfattar och kommenterar vi en systematisk forskningsöversikt där skrivandets och texternas innehåll och funktion sätts i fokus. De framträdande forskningsresultaten, att skrivande förbättrar elevers ämneskunskaper jämfört med undervisning som har mindre fokus på skrivande, är därför särskilt relevanta för lärare. (pdf)