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Teaching early reading skills to non-vocal students with severe learning disabilities using Headsprout Early Reading

Many students with learning disabilities find it difficult to acquire basic reading skills. This is even more of a challenge for students who are non-vocal. The purpose of the present study was to pilot the use of Headsprout Early Reading (HER), an online reading programme, with four non-vocal students with a severe learning disability (SLD), over the course of a nine-week period.

Special education technology can allow inclusion, advances

Approximately 13% of American public school students have special needs, such as speech-language issues and autism. Assistive technology can offer them new opportunities. Virtual learning and tools mean special-education students needn’t be separated from their classmates.

Skolhunden som öppnar dörrar

På Toftanässkolan jobbar labradoodlen Harry 1,5 år. Han har visat sig vara en fena på att få i gång läslusten hos barnen. Han är även en stor tillgång för skolbarn med språkstörningar, autism, eller social fobi. Det är helt enkelt extra roligt att komma till skolan när Harry är där.
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