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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Specialpedagogik"

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Non-suicidal self-injury in Swedish adolescents. Prevalence, characteristics, functions and associations with childhood adversities

Självskadebeteenden är vanligt bland ungdomar. Maria Zetterqvist har forskat om självskadebeteendets förekomst, funktion, karaktäristik och metoder hos svenska ungdomar, samt undersökt relationen till negativa livshändelser och traumasymptom.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Internationellt: Learning disability or learns differently?

Educators need the training and resources to utilize years of research into students' learning differences and strengths, especially for those with or awaiting testing for learning disabilities or differences, former principal and author Carol Hunter writes in this blog post. She shares some of the neuroscience research on learning styles and steps to incorporate the…

Beskriv med ord: fysiklärare utvecklar språkinriktad undervisning på gymnasiet

Syftet med Maria Kouns avhandling är att utforska och beskriva hur fysiklärare kan utveckla och pröva språkinriktade undervisningsaktiviteter, med avsikt att ge elever på gymnasiet möjlighet att samtala och/eller skriva om kursens innehåll.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Internationellt: Disabled children's behaviour 'deteriorates at school'

An analysis of 6,371 British children found that behaviour problems among children with developmental and learning disabilities and those with chronic health problems increased when they started school. Researchers say the results indicate students need more than learning supports to adjust to school. They recommend schools also work to make students feel socially included.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Internationellt: The simple test that predicts whether a child will have learning difficulties - even before they learn to write

Testing children's ability to change verb tenses while speaking may help identify possible writing difficulties and language disorders later on, according to a study. The test -- given to both monolingual and bilingual students -- found no significant differences between the writing abilities of both groups, the researchers say.