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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Segregation"

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Välj typ av innehåll inom kategori "Segregation":

Ny rapport: Positiv satsning i Trollhättan att flytta elever för minskad skolsegregation

Idag presenterades en forskningsrapport kring hur elever, lärare och rektorer upplevt sammanslagningarna av skolor i Trollhättan. Forskare vid Högskolan Väst har sedan stängningen av två skolor i ett segregerat område hösten 2021 följt förändringen. Det sammantagna resultatet visar en övervägande positiv bild.

Can school closures decrease ethnic school segregation? Evidence from primary and lower secondary schools in Stockholm, Sweden

Using simulation models calibrated with administrative data for all primary and lower secondary schools in Stockholm, Sweden, Selcan Mutgan and Eduardo Tapia assess the potential impact of school closure on ethnic school segregation.

Schools’ priority rules and ethnic school segregation

In this study, we evaluate the effect of school choice on school segregation by focusing on an under-studied aspect of the school choice paradigm: the priory rules utilized by centralized admission offices on oversubscribed schools. We study the admission model applied to allocate secondary school students in Stockholm.