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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Säkerhet"
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Texas district to install cameras in some classrooms
Dallas Independent School District has approved plans to install video cameras in all special-education classrooms. The cameras are intended to improve safety for students and help officials investigate incidents if they occur, but some say there are concerns related to privacy.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
What does a safe school look like?
Educators should reimagine what a safe school is to make schools safer, writes Jim Dillon, an educational consultant. In this blog post, he offers several research-backed recommendations that focus on making schools a welcoming and supportive environment for students.
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How we turn cybersecurity concepts into a classroom staple
Cybersecurity risks including increased threats from hackers call for greater focus on preparing today's students to be the next generation of cyberdefenders, writes Sam Bocetta, a former Defense Department security analyst. In this commentary, he shares strategies to help teachers make cybersecurity concepts part of the fabric of classroom lessons.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Are active shooter drills harmful to students?
Active shooter drills at schools could harm the psychological development of young students, asserts Melissa Reeves, a professor at Winthrop University and former president of the National Association of School Psychologists. In this interview, she describes how the drills can potentially trigger students who have experienced trauma and suggests schools practice lockdown procedures instead.
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Prevention techniques key to stopping mass school shootings: Secret Service
The U.S. Secret Service said in a report released on Thursday that many of the mass shootings at schools from 2008 to 2017 could have been prevented.
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Protecting America’s schools - A U.S. Secret Service analysis of targeted school violence
This report builds on 20 years of NTAC research and guidance in the field of threat assessment by offering an in-depth analysis of the motives, behaviors, and situational factors of the attackers, as well as the tactics, resolutions, and other operationally-relevant details of the attacks. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
6 steps to a comprehensive school safety approach
A school district in Texas is using technology and a comprehensive approach to improve school safety, writes Melissa Williams-Scott, executive director of information systems at Dickinson Independent School District. In this blog post, she shares six steps the district took to promote a safe environment, including focusing on quick intervention.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Mass shootings renew schools' concerns with protecting students
Schools are investing in high-tech solutions to flag potential student perpetrators of violence such as mass shootings. Privacy experts and student advocates are concerned.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Så diskuterar du en terroristattack med elever
Det finns tillfällen då lärare kan behöva reagera omedelbart på oförutsedda händelser, till exempel terroristattacken på Drottninggatan i Stockholm. Denna vägledning ger praktiska förslag på hur du kan strukturera diskussion, vidareutbildning och ifrågasättande vid sådana händelser.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Colleges leverage technology to improve campus safety
College and university IT leaders can use automatic alert systems and cameras linked to the campus IP network to bolster campus security, writes Dave Doucette with CDW•G. In this blog post, he writes that some institutions also have created mobile apps that students can use to report emergencies and receive security notifications from administrators.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Öka säkerheten och krisberedskapen
Barn och elever i alla skolformer har rätt till en trygg och säker miljö. Arbetet med säkerhet och krisberedskap blir framgångsrikt när det sker systematiskt och är en del av den ordinarie verksamheten.