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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Relationer"

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“It is not that I didn’t already know these places, but I never thought of them like this.” Methodological approaches to community research in early childhood education in Denmark

The aim of this article is to discuss how participatory methods might contribute to research concerning the development of inclusive, socially just and community-oriented pedagogical practices within the field of early childhood education, as well as contributing to shared knowledge production about relations between kindergartens and local communities.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
FoU tidskrift källor

Barns berättelser – kamratkulturer skapas kring förskolans fotodokumentation

Artikeln bygger på teorier om dokumentationen som en normaliserande makt i interaktion med enskilda subjekts egna agens. Genom att lyssna till hur 19 förskolebarn mellan 4–6 år interagerar med pedagogisk fotodokumentation eftersträvas i studien att fånga barnens egna perspektiv.