Schools that allow students to access cellphones have lower rates of cyberbullying than those that ban the devices, according to data from the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics. Overall, however, data show an uptick in incidents of cyberbullying in schools.
Mobiltelefoners varande i klassrummet är en fråga med ett högt allmänintresse och som med jämna mellanrum lyfts i debatter. Torbjörn Otts intresse i frågan väcktes redan 2007 när han precis hade börjat som lärare.
Smartphones are distracting students in the classroom and should be banned in primary schools, asserts Pasi Sahlberg, a Finnish education expert and incoming professor at the University of New South Wales in Australia. He suggests that leaders at individual schools be given the authority to make the best decisions for their schools about smartphone access.
While some Utah educators have resorted to using devices to curtail distractions and prevent cheating, others see benefits to taking a more nuanced approach.
Skolportens lärarpanel har utsett Torbjörn Otts avhandling Mobile phones in school: From disturbing objects to infrastructure for learning till Skolportens favorit.
Det är i undervisningens ”mellanrum” som elever använder sina smarta telefoner. Det visar ett svensk-finskt forskningsprojekt om det uppkopplade klassrummet. Forskarna har filmat elever och deras mobiltelefoner på plats i klassrummet.
In an era when many kids get a first smartphone at age 10, psychologists say the devices have turned us into Pavlov’s dogs — drooling for the next notification, buzz or text. Ready to dial back?