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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How do you improve schools? Start by coaching principals, says new study

A recent study has shown that when principals were coached on their leadership skills by supervisors, they became more effective at retaining teachers, the school climate improved and students achieved more. Researchers say districts should shift from a top-down approach to more of a bottom-up way of working with schools to better support principals.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Soft skills for strong school leadership

How principals interact matters more than what they know, writes leadership expert Naphtali Hoff, president of Impactful Coaching & Consulting. In this blog post, Hoff discusses his research on the behaviors of school leaders that can motivate teachers, including good communication, affirmation and orderly management of the school.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

New book: Design thinking for school leaders

Design Thinking for School Leaders explores the changing landscape of leadership and offers practical ways to reframe the role of a school leader using design thinking, one step at a time. Leaders can shift from "accidental designers" to "design-inspired leaders," acting with greater intention and achieving greater impact. You'll learn how viewing the world through…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

En hyllning till professionen

Den redan påbörjade pendelsvängningen, kanske till följd av Skolkommissionens arbete och betänkande, blir tydlig med hjälp av resonemangen i boken. Fallstudierna, det kommunala skolväsendet i tre kommuner, tjänar som tydliga exempel för landets kommunala och fristående huvudmän på hur en ändrad och stödjande styrfilosofi kan leda till en framgångsrik skolutveckling med positiva utbildningsresultat Den snabblästa…