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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Lesson openings in Norwegian language arts: a study of how teachers start reading lessons in 8th grade classrooms

This study contributes to the sparse research by asking: What characterizes the openings of 58 reading lessons in Norwegian language arts 8th grade classrooms? A key finding is that in most openings, the teachers make academic cognitive moves which help create an academic frame around students’ learning.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Relations between linguistic diversity, classroom social climate, and reading comprehension in Norwegian elementary classrooms

Linguistic diversity creates both opportunities and challenges for peer relations in today’s classrooms. However, how class linguistic diversity relates to peer relations as a dimension of classroom social climate and its relation to academic achievement is unclear.

Parental support of emergent literacy in the final preschool year in Austria during COVID-19-induced lockdowns

With reference to Austria, the study aims to gain insights into parents’ self-reported perspectives on their implementation of behaviours to support emergent literacy skills and their justifications for their support or non-support during COVID-19-induced lockdowns through nine semi-structured interviews.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Tænk, hvis børn ikke var så afhængige af, hvilket postnummer de er født i, og om de møder en ildsjæl

Litteraturforsker Anna Skyggebjerg er ny leder for Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning. Hun nægter at bruge ordet læsekrise, for det fører til hurtige hovsaløsninger. Det, der er brug for, er langsigtede investeringer i skolebiblioteker, flere resurser og mere tid til lærerne ude i skolerne.