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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Tænk, hvis børn ikke var så afhængige af, hvilket postnummer de er født i, og om de møder en ildsjæl

3 april
Litteraturforsker Anna Skyggebjerg er ny leder for Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning. Hun nægter at bruge ordet læsekrise, for det fører til hurtige hovsaløsninger. Det, der er brug for, er langsigtede investeringer i skolebiblioteker, flere resurser og mere tid til lærerne ude i skolerne.

Many truths, many knowledges, many forms of reason: Understanding middle-school student approaches to sources of information on the internet

14 mars
Sourcing information related to socio-scientific issues requires sophisticated literacies to read and evaluate conflicting accounts often signified by disagreement among experts, multiple solutions or misinformation. Much of the previous work exploring how young people approach conflicting information has tended to focus on students in the secondary and tertiary years, often taking an epistemic approach to…