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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Lärarprofessionen"

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Promoting 21st century pedagogy: can school autonomy and school-based professional development processes make a difference?

Since learning environments designed for knowledge construction promote self-regulated and self-directed learners, the current study attempts to assess to what extent do teachers’ perceptions of their school’s autonomy and satisfaction with school-based professional development (PD) processes foster 21st century oriented pedagogy.

Exploring roles in teacher–researcher collaboration: examples from a Swedish research–practice partnership in education

Research – practice partnerships (RPPs) engage the diverse perspectives of researchers and teachers, transforming both educational research and practice. However, an increased understanding of the day-to-day activities of research conducted within RPPs, and of the role of teachers and researchers in this research, is needed. In this study, teachers and researchers involved in research projects…
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Affordances, translanguaging and the international preservice teacher

Pedagogical translanguaging (TL) represents a contemporary and valuable instructional approach for bi/multilingual students. Researchers have identified the instructional practices and their affordances among bi/multilingual teachers who share a home language with their students, the dominant language used in the students’ home or community, and those who do not.

Dismantling dehumanizing educator talk about children and families: the moral imperative for early childhood teacher educators

This reflection on practice explores dehumanizing educator talk as an explicit topic within multicultural/diversity/anti-bias and anti-racist teacher education. Dehumanizing educator talk is defined as formal or informal conversation during which targeted individuals or groups are openly demeaned with offensive generalizations in the absence of discernable educational goals leading to improved outcomes.

Can teacher quality be profiled? A cluster analysis of teachers' beliefs, practices and students' perceptions of effectiveness

In this study, a group of Australian high-school teachers completed an extensive teacher beliefs questionnaire, undertook the Visible Classroom program to record and document their use of high-leverage teaching practices and had their students complete a survey based on perceptions of effective teaching.