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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Do the math with Steve Brunton, a UW professor whose YouTube popularity keeps adding up

University of Washington professor Steven Brunton's uses a flipped classroom concept for remote learning, which he began using for applied mathematics. With the help of YouTube, a clear lightboard and neon markers Brunton has students watch lectures for homework and uses class time to go over problems and questions.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Child abuse is harder to spot during the pandemic. What can educators do?

Reports of child abuse declined between 30% and 70% nationally during the coronavirus pandemic when more students were learning remotely. In this interview, Bart Klika, chief research and strategy officer at Prevent Child Abuse America, offers strategies to help educators identify and prevent potential neglect or abuse.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Trees set sixth-graders up for success

Standardized math and reading scores are higher in schools with more trees, according to a study of 50,000 students at 450 middle schools in Washington state. Previous studies by lead author Ming Kuo of the University of Illinois have shown that students concentrate and engage better and are less disruptive when they have more exposure…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

"Want to rethink education after Covid-19? Creative solutions mean taking more risks"

Act like entrepreneurs and avoid missing opportunities. Educational leaders should be less risk averse, seize opportunities and try out new ideas, even if you only have 50 percent of the information, writes Henry M. Smith, assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Education and a former U.S. assistant secretary of education.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

School doesn’t feel the same. How to reignite your bold passion

Educators who have felt their joy for teaching wane as the pandemic has worn on can reclaim their bold passion for their work, Apex Learning Chief Academic Officer Jean Sharp writes. In this blog post, Sharp writes that reexamining shared experiences, reflecting on life-changing moments and recommitting to a common mission can help rekindle this…