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Opinion: Some warning flags for those embracing personalized learning powered by education technology

Personalized education was already big pre-pandemic, but home schooling and digital instruction made more parents and teachers embrace the idea. With a shortage of human teachers, many schools jumped on the bandwagon of using technology that collects each child’s personal data and tailors content accordingly. Researchers, however, warn of three dangerous pitfalls.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How parents and educators can support healthy teen use of social media

“We know that teens’ use of social media increased during the pandemic, and along with this increase in time, we’ve seen more of both the positive and negative aspects of social media,” said Dr. Jacqueline Nesi, an assistant professor of psychology at Brown University who specializes in social media and adolescent development.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

What do teachers know about student privacy? Not enough, researchers say

The pandemic has shined a light on the importance of teaching educators about data privacy, according to Ellen Mandinach, senior research scientist at WestEd. Mandinach and the Future of Privacy Forum released two training resources this week -- the Student Privacy Primer and a guide to data ethics - aimed at better preparing K-12 teachers…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

”Stor betydelse för pedagogisk forskning”

Årets mottagare av ekonomipriset har gett viktiga metodologiska bidrag till hur man kan undersöka kausala effekter, och de har även använt dem i flera studier om skolan. – Pristagarnas stora bidrag är att de har visat att det i många fall går att dra kausala slutsatser genom så kallade naturliga experiment, säger Jan-Eric Gustafsson, seniorforskare…