An educational integration specialist writes educators must embrace new ed tech tools to fully reap innovations and efficiencies in post-pandemic learning.
Some school principals who continue teaching in their schools say spending time in the classroom is beneficial, by helping them improve their skills, connecting with students and developing better relationships with teachers.
School leaders should refrain from relying on self-care approaches, such as yoga and meditation, to support teachers who are exhausted and stressed out, according to Sean Slade, co-head of education, North America, for the nonprofit BTS Spark.
The findings of this study suggest that concern, worry, and stress related to school violence or shootings may be risk factors for internalizing problems among adolescents, with variation in the strength of the association by race/ethnicity. (pdf)
Concerns about gun violence at their schools or other places they go has put high school students at increased risk for anxiety and other mental health conditions, a study published by JAMA Network Open found.
Last year, schools ramped up social-emotional learning (SEL) to help students cope with the trauma of the pandemic and the nation’s racial reckoning. Now, many educators, buoyed by evidence of SEL’s value and parent surveys endorsing the emphasis on well-being in the classroom, say they are committed to SEL this year and beyond.
Nationally, one in six children miss 15 or more days of school in a year and are considered chronically absent. Education officials have lamented that all this missed instruction has for years constituted an attendance crisis in U.S. elementary, middle and high schools.
Lektioner i positiv psykologi får elever att må bättre. Det visar ny forskning. "Hos oss i Finland är barnens välbefinnande tydligt inskrivet i läroplanen", säger Åse Fagerlund, barnpsykolog och doktor i neuropsykologi.
As a teacher, you also need to be thinking about possible issues with students’ eyesight. Two recent studies from different parts of the world explore the topic of vision screening in schools.
Finland och Estlands skolor är bättre än de svenska. En förklaring kan vara den enskilde lärarens roll. Den kan sällan överskattas, konstaterar skolforskaren Erik Cardelús som även pekar på kulturens betydelse.