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K–12 digital resource libraries continue to engage students returning to in-person classes

Digital resource libraries with e-books, audiobooks and research tools can be updated as technology, topics and educational practices change and are accessible online whenever needed by students, says Karina Quilantan, a library media specialist. Quilantan explains the benefits to students of maintaining the resource during in-person teaching and shares tips for choosing content and creating…

Nest-klasser har vokseværk

Som frontløbere i Nest-pædagogik træder lærerne i 5.b på Katrinebjergskolen i Aarhus nye stier for at få inklusionen af elever med autisme til at lykkes. Lærerne skal blandt andet udvikle Nest i takt med elevernes behov for øget indflydelse. Og så venter en særlig udfordring, når eleverne inden længe er teenagere.