Genom att fokusera på svarta elevers erfarenheter i en skola med vit majoritet belyser Heidi Katz avhandling mekanismer i skolorna och som skapar ojämlikhet när det gäller att få tillgång till möjligheter och positiva skolupplevelser.
Colin P. Green, Ole Henning Nyhus and Kari Vea Salvanes examine two forms of testing, complex but low-stakes mathematics tests and relatively easy screening tests aimed at identifying children in need of educational assistance. In general, we demonstrate zero effects of testing exposure on later test score performance but benefits for screening tests on low-performing students. While we demonstrate no negative effects on student welfare, we do find an indication that testing improves aspects of teaching practices and students’ perceptions of teacher feedback and engagement.
This study examined longitudinal relations between adolescents' mathematics performance, school engagement and burnout (exhaustion, cynicism and inadequacy) across lower secondary education.
Finns det ett samband mellan högstadieelevers skolrelaterade utmattning, engagemang och prestationer i matematik? Ja, det gör det, också på lång sikt. Det visar en undersökning vid Åbo Akademi.
A school district in Texas uses the special-education learning platform, Amplio, to support students who have dyslexia, writes Samantha Crow, dyslexia coordinator. In this blog post, Crow shares five benefits of the technology, including the ability to provide students with immediate feedback.
For decades we’ve been using toys to cram learning into playtime – and toys have been marketed as tools to turn children into prosperous, high-achieving adults. Is it time for a rethink?