There are a number of ways to enforce math facts fluency with students, writes Mona Iehl, a fifth- and sixth-grade math teacher. In this article, she shares how students can take the lead in math lessons and provides tips to help them practice math fluency - on paper and online.
The field of out-of-school learning time is vast — and supports 10 million children a year. Despite this, the programs are often viewed as glorified babysitting and tremendously undervalued. Associate Professor Bianca Baldridge began studying these programs many years ago, citing the impact they had on her own life and how little was known about…
2022 var året med det høyeste målte gjennomsnittstallet for unge som trente. "Vi ser at over 80 prosent av ungdommer i Norge trener én eller flere ganger i uken", sier Anders Bakken, forsker hos NOVA ved OsloMet.
Skolor i utsatta områden kan ha mindre kvalificerade lärare, men det är främst ökad social segregation som påverkar elevernas prestationer. Det visar en studie av 46 länder.
The adoption of technology could facilitate student learning and social interaction. It could also ease the burdens on educators from staff shortages, according to a new report.
Focus on empowering students during the learning process, which can include asking for feedback on what they are learning as well as why they are learning, writes Kathy Collier, a language and literacy equity coach. Collier also asks students to reflect on what method of learning works best for them and why.