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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

What will drive digital leadership in 2018?

Digital leaders in higher education need to eliminate "'last century' thinking" and convoluted processes if they want to attract students and spark growth on their campuses, asserts Samuel Conn of the nonprofit technology consortium NJEdge. Conn outlines three areas where leaders need to focus their change efforts, including personalized instruction and data security.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

IQ i Norden: Uppgång och fall

Våra samhällen blir allt bättre, så mycket bättre att till och med intelligensen ökar bland medborgarna. Så har den utvecklingsoptimistiska bilden sett ut – och den bekräftades också länge av IQ-mätningar i flera länder. Men nu faller intelligensen i de nordiska länderna. Det är en stark varningssignal för det svenska samhället, skriver Martin Ingvar, hjärnforskare…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Yes, there are high-poverty public schools that operate at a high level. Here's how they succeed.

The drive in modern school reform to severely disrupt traditional public education is underpinned by the notion that educators in traditional public schools in high-poverty areas don’t know what they are doing. No doubt, some of them don’t, but many do, and in this post, author Karin Chenoweth talks about some that are successful.