Many proponents of online education have speculated that the digital learning environment might be a meritocracy, where students are judged not on their race or gender, but on the comments they post.
One in three students globally is enrolled in private higher education institutions, according to research that reveals the huge growth and wide reach of private providers.
For children battling long-term illness, coping with physical pain is not their only challenge: being away from school also means missing out on time with friends, and that can be tough. And parents often worry about the impact months of missed classes will have on their child’s education. That is where a classroom robot called…
Talking with young children about maths and numbers may boost maths scores, according to a study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh in the US. Researchers collected data from 44 child-parent pairs.
Social pressure on girls to be perfect has some parents and teachers worried they're not learning the skills they'll need to express their emotions and navigate conflict.
Ungdom med foreldre fra Somalia blir ofte trukket fram som en gruppe med mange utfordringer. En ny studie viser at disse ungommene satser på skole og utdanning.
Det er stadig færre mannlige lærere i skolen, men det er kanskje ikke så farlig. Elever syns kvinnelige lærere er bedre, og gutter lærer ikke mer av menn.