As smart speakers proliferate in homes, childhood development experts are monitoring how kids interact with devices and make informed choices about what they hear.
Kritiken som riktas mot det svenska betygssystemet är hård. Och internationell forskning visar att det system som ger bäst lärande är centrala slutprov.
Venture capitalist and education advocate Ted Dintersmith visits 200 schools in 50 states and says Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is wrong. In this post, he writes about what he saw and offers advice to DeVos, who recently said on “60 Minutes” that she had never “intentionally” visited an underperforming school.
Educators have various options for using Google in the classroom, presenters said at the Spring CUE 2018 conference in California. This article showcases 17 ideas, including the OpenDyslexic extension, which converts web pages into text that can be easier to read for individuals who have dyslexia.
First generation college students who are at risk of dropping out of STEM majors can benefit from writing in journals about their purpose in STEM and reflecting deeply on who they are.
Before helping kids better engage with learning, teachers at one middle school needed a lot of help managing student behavior. Principal Michael Essien found a solution in the "push-in" method, which kept students in class while counselors worked through disruptive behaviors on the spot.
Dyslexia is the most common learning disability in this country. But it is widely misunderstood, and schools often do a poor job of helping students learn to read.
Forskerne kunne ikke dokumentere at fysisk aktivitet hadde effekt for hele elevgruppen verken på skoleprestasjon, trivsel eller helse. Men noen elever hadde en fremgang i matte.
Race and prejudice can make for uncomfortable topics. Chances are, it's also the reality for many of your students. These are powerful lessons teachers and counselors must be aware of. How best to go about it? Consider these guidelines.