If we could understand how the infant mind develops, it might help every child reach their full potential. But seeing them as learning machines is not the answer.
Elias är ny språklärare på Tammelanskolan i Tammerfors i södra Finland. Elias kan 23 språk, har oändligt tålamod och får aldrig en elev att skämmas för sina frågor. Elias är även en robot.
Some teachers can take on students' trauma as their own, suggests Alex Shevrin, a community college teacher and former school leader. In this blog post, she shares her own experience with vicarious trauma and offers tips on how to cope.
Grouping students by ability could harm the achievement of lower-performing students, according to a report published in the Cambridge Journal of Education. Researchers considered feedback from English and maths teachers at 82 schools in England and found that ability grouping can lead to a "cycle of restricted opportunity".
Some school districts have adopted four-day weeks to help address funding gaps and issues unique to rural communities. Research on the model's benefits for students is limited, but some data show that attendance rates improve under a four-day model.
Både utdanningsfinansiering og behovet for alternativer til stadig økonomisk vekst ble temaer i diskusjonen om hvordan universiteter kan bidra til FNs bærekraftsmål for 2030.
A generation of students who have grown up taking selfies and having a social media presence presents some challenges for educators, writes Ruth Reynard, a higher-education consultant specializing in faculty development and instructional design. In this commentary, she describes how educators can maximize skills honed using technology, including social media.