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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Hur utnyttja skolforskning bättre? - Ny brittisk rapport analyserar utbildningens ekosystem

I en ny rapport från the Royal Society och the British Academy analyseras användningen av utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning och samverkan mellan de olika aktörerna i utbildningens ”ekosystem” i Storbritannien. Karin Hermansson, FoU-ansvarig på Ifous, sammanfattar slutsatserna och kommenterar rapporten. (pdf)

Internationellt nätverk ska stärka lärarutbildningen

Forskargruppen Rose vid Karlstads universitet har beviljats 1,2 miljoner kronor av Vetenskapsrådet, för att bygga upp ett tvärvetenskapligt nätverk av internationella toppforskare med fokus på skolämnen och lärarutbildning. Målet är att producera ny kunskap som har potential att utveckla lärarutbildningen i såväl Sverige som internationellt.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Headmaster seeks to connect lessons to emotions

A curriculum review in Australia should include a focus not just on content, but on engaging students emotionally, asserts Timothy Wright, headmaster of Shore School. In this commentary, he describes how deeper, more emotionally connected lessons could improve teaching and learning.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Do makerspaces improve learning?

Educators at three schools in Australia have been studying whether high-tech makerspaces can improve outcomes for young students from kindergarten through second grade. The study included a 3D-printing project that taught students to take risks, and the results show that makerspaces foster creativity and problem-solving skills among students.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Administrators' support matters for teacher-led learning

Every year, teachers spend significant amounts of time doing on-the-job professional development. But it often fails to account for varying skill levels and needs. As more educators take charge of their professional growth, encouragement from administrators is a valuable asset for self-direction. Gretchen Bridgers recommends four ways for administrators to foster a positive climate for…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Cracking the school breakfast code

Historically, stigma and issues of accessibility have kept many hungry students from eating school breakfast. Schools nationwide serve about 57 low-income children breakfast for every 100 who participate in the school lunch program. Here's the good news: participation is rising. Try these tips for growth from schools that are successfully feeding students the most important…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Despite popularity with parents and teachers, review of research finds small benefits to small classes

Smaller class sizes may not have a significant effect on learning, according to a review of 127 studies of class-size reduction efforts in 41 countries published by Campbell Collaboration. Researchers found that reducing class sizes may do more harm than good in cases where the increased demand for teachers leads to a reduction in teacher…