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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Internationellt"

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Individuel forældretræning giver gode resultater for små børn med ADHD

Der er størst mulighed for et godt resultat, hvis behandling af børn med ADHD tilrettelægges efter det enkelte barns behov. Det viser et nyt studie med 164 børn mellem tre og syv år. Her fik deres forældre teknikker til at få en lettere hverdag med deres barn.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Moving from digital citizenship to digital leadership

Educators should take digital citizenship lessons a step further by teaching students digital leadership skills, advises Andy Plemmons, a media specialist at a Georgia elementary school. In this commentary, he shares several project ideas to inspire digital leadership, including having students collaborate to select new books for the school's library.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Setting the tone for a mindful school

What do mindful behaviors, like attention to breathing, have to do with feeling safe, loved and ready to learn? Research suggests that if you change the way you breathe, you can change the way you feel. Try short mindfulness activities with students throughout the day to help them calm down, relieve stress and decrease misbehavior.