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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Bill Gates says the textbook is dying. Is he right?

The textbook is becoming obsolete, Bill Gates wrote in his annual letter from his foundation. Peter Greene, a high-school English teacher, counters Gates' argument with five reasons why he says textbooks will continue to be a classroom staple -- at least in the near term -- including a preference, even among digital natives, for printed…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

5 blended-learning myths to bust in 2019

Blended learning does not have to be implemented in a vacuum, write Jenny White of the Blended Learning Universe and Chelsea Waite of the Christensen Institute. White and Waite debunk common myths about blended learning, including that it is just students with headphones in front of a screen.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Creating math learners, not calculators

Fundamental math skills are important, but Canadian educator Alexandra Candler says teaching needs to go beyond memorization and include more real-world examples. "The fundamental math skills are important, but we want to move past that so you can apply your thinking in different situations," Candler asserts.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Skolerne bruger mange redskaber til at følge udviklingen hos elever med særlige behov

Skolerne bruger mange forskellige redskaber til at følge deres elever med særlige behov. Det gælder både i forhold til elevernes faglige udvikling, deres alsidige udvikling og deres trivsel. Skolerne supplerer således de obligatoriske redskaber som fraværsregistrering, nationale test og karakterer med en række andre redskaber, for eksempel faglige test og strukturerede observationer. Det viser en…