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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Internationellt"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Embracing the Power of Less

School leaders could see all their students ascend to new heights of academic achievement and find their jobs de-stressed and joyful if they focused on only the one or two most urgently needed instructional initiatives. Mike Schmoker makes the "case for less" in the latest issue of Educational Leadership magazine.

Ungdomars hälsa halkar efter

Världens ungdomar är historiens hittills största generation. Tyvärr är deras hälsomässiga situation utmanande. I en studie i tidskriften the Lancet har man har undersökt utvecklingen i 195 länder under perioden 1990–2016. Resultaten visar på bland annat en ökning av övervikt och fetma, som nu drabbar en femtedel av världens ungdomar.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Deepening Independence in the Reading Workshop

More than half of elementary students' reading lives take place while teachers work with other children. In literacy professor Lindsey Moses' work to support differentiated instruction, she hears one common question: "What are the rest of my students doing while I am running small groups?" Facilitate meaningful engagement for young readers with practices to guide…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Tips for classroom audio support

A school district in California is using technology solutions to help students hear in school, according to Michelle Zavaleta, coordinator of psychological services in special education for the Tulare City School District. In this blog post, she shares several tips to help adopt such solutions, including finding a tool that works for all students --…